Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hair replacement bio-skin tape patch material update

I have tried out the new bio-skin patch material and came to a conclusion that it is not for everyone. The base material does look wonderful against the skin. It crates a magic trick effect, now you see it now you don't. It also does not have that shiny effect that many other materials have. On the down side, this patch material is very delicate, this makes it very easy for someone to accidentally rip through it while taking off tape. That is why this patch material is for a person that is very delicate with their hair replacement system and handles it with care.

I would also not advise anyone to get their whole hair replacement system made with this material. The pores in the material are very small, this means only a tiny bit of air gets through to the scalp. This gives your scalp the pruning effect. This is also the perfect environment for bacteria to multiply since the scalp will continually sweat and there is nowhere for the sweat to evaporate.

In conclusion if you would like to try out this material with your next hair replacement system only add it to the tape patch material. For the rest of the system use a lace which will allow the scalp to breathe. Ps. this may be a good tape base for a full scull prosthesis for cancer patients. For more information about the best hair replacement options visit my website at

Hair replacement expert survives cancer

I have been providing quality hair replacement for over 50 years. My father was a barber and I have been cutting hair since I was 12 years old. During my twenties I won multiple hair replacement awards including 2 world 5 national and 7 state championships. With my new found fame I traveled around the United States, Mexico, Canada, and the Bahamas teaching others my hair cutting secrets. At that point I discovered how little people actually know about hair cutting and styling. Let me tell you, life on the road can be hard. I was married at the time and with me gone constantly my wife was not pleased.

At the same time I worked with barbers from all over Europe including France, Germany, Poland, London, and Italy. The name of the salon was the Continental Barber Salon which was famous in Chicago. With time I became the top men in the shop. I was doing so well that people started calling me at work from all over United States to have me come teach their employees how to cut hair. People wanted to reach me personally. Fed up with all the calls, my boss gave me an ultimatum “either they stop calling when you are working or you can’t work there anymore”. David Hansen opened his first shop in 1965 by the corner of Chicago and Michigan Avenue. That is when he started creating hair pieces.

Now after 50 years I am till in the same business I fell in love with at 12 years old. During this time I perfected my technique and got industry insight. I can truthfully say that I do not know anyone better and who knows more about hair pieces and hair replacement than me.

During spring 2011 I was diagnosed with throat cancer. I am usually the person who makes hairpieces for cancer patience, now i was on the other side. It was devastating. For someone who devoted his life to hair there can't be anything worse than loosing your own hair. I now found out how the customers I have served over the years felt. I decided to make myself the best full scull prosthesis possible. It was a hard journey during the past few months. Day after day I spend in the hospital undergoing both radiation and chemo therapy. I couldn't eat or drink. I felt myself wasting away but I never lost hope and the will to live. Now after my treatments are over and thanks to the feeding tube that was placed in my stomach I am starting to get my strength back. I am now devoted to help other cancer patients the best way I can and that is to provide them with hair pieces and help them get insurance coverage for it.

I hope my story encourage people to keep going, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

David Hansen