Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hair loss options for men in chicago

The hair loss industry is many times a very confusing place for someone who is just starting to look into finding a solution to their hair loss. With so many companies offering the ideal results it seems like the possibilities are endless. That is many times not true, with every company promising satisfactory results it is hard for someone who does not know this industry very well to weed out the phonies from the professionals. I have been in this business for 50 years, undefeated in hair replacement competitions since the 70's and having numerous trophies under my belt (including 2 world championships) I will tell you like it is. From all my years working in the hair replacement business I came to realize there are different solutions for different people. Everyone's  situation is different and has to be dealt with in a specific manner. For someone with prominent male pattern baldness I firmly believe that surgical or transplant hair replacement is NOT an option. First of all hair transplants cover only a small area of your bald spot. It is painful and there is a recovery time needed. To see any results you need to get the transplant done numerous times resulting in tremendous costs, a lot of time, and a great deal of pain. Many times the hair ends up falling out anyways and you end up where you began in the first place. I have many customers who went this rout and they wish they have never done it. If your balding area is as large as your fist I would not bother with hair transplants. Surgical solution is ideal for someone with a slight thinning to make the area fuller or someone at the begging stages of baldness. For individuals with male pattern baldness I would suggest getting a hair replacement made form a fine welded mono base, with a bio skin patch material. It is light weight, your scalp is able to breath and it takes on the color of your scalp. It is the best material I have tried through all my 50 years. There is so much information that I could write for hours if your interested in finding out more about hair replacements please visit my site and view the different articles on it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

innovation in hair replacement

The newest innovation in the hair replacement and hair piece market is the skin base system material. Pieces made from this product look and feel like your own skin. It has a skin like feel and a translucent appearance that takes on the color of your skin. Even though it makes the hair line so incredible it has few downsides to it. The skin base material is very delicate, it is a lot more easily torn. This base also does not retain its natural shape as well as lace bases do. Another downfall of this material is that it does not let air go through to the persons scalp. This many times leads to the "raisin effect" where the head under the skin base becomes shriveled up due to the perspiration and lack of oxygen. For me the best hair replacement material is still fine welded mono it may not feel like skin but it does take on your skin color. It is sturdy, retains the hair replacements shape  insuring a perfect fit every time, and most importantly is very hygienic. Your scalp can breathe! Lets face it we all sweat our scalp gets oily. Now imagine all of that sweat and perspiration being stuck under the skin base. It does not seem hygienic or comfortable to me.