Monday, November 29, 2010

Hair Loss

Hair loss

Normal hair loss
 Every person goes through regular hair loss. An average hair growth cycle lasts from 3 to 6 years. Each individual hair grows half an inch a month. 90 % of the hair on your scalp constantly grows; the other 10 % at any one time is at a resting point. This resting hair after 3 to 5 months falls out to be replaced by new hair.

Excessive hair loss
There is no one cause for excessive hair loss. Number of things can affect the way your hair acts. There are many medications that impact your hair in such way; woman may experience minimal hair loss with the use of birth control. Many times after being sick or going through a surgery an individual may also experience excessive hair loss, due to stress and medication. Another cause may be hormonal imbalance; this applies to both males and females. All of these factors contribute to excessive hair loss, but all of them are reversible with certain life style changes.

Common Hair Loss
The most common form of hair loss in men is male-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is usually an inherited trait. Developing this at an early age usually results in a more excessive hair loss over an extended period of time. This type of baldness starts either at the temples or the crown of the head.
Are there any cures?
If a treatment is available depends on the basis of your hair loss. If it is caused by a certain medication you are using, your doctor may be able to switch you to a different prescription. If the hair loss is due to hormonal imbalance, correcting that issue may also prevent your hair loss.
You may also turn to medical hair implants which are not the right solution for everyone. It is very expensive and time consuming to transplant hair onto a large balding area. Even after the procedure there is a possibility the hairs will not stay in and fall out after a period of time. Another thing to consider when thinking about getting hair implants is that after the surgery you will experience slight pain and discomfort.
Finally there is the solution that we offer at David Hansen. There are many different types of hair replacement systems that may suit your needs.  This includes everything from different base materials such as injected skin  and fine welded mono to diverse ways of attachment. The hair piece is designed to suit your personal needs based on your level of activity, if you would like to take it off or not, and even if you consider going into water with them on. Hair replacement systems are the best and safest way of looking and feeling great.

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